############################################################################### TABLE orders Desc Orders for new products. ID order_id Audit Select order_id, order_id, order_date, customer_name, purchase_order, total_gross, order_status List order_id, order_id, order_date, ship_date, purchase_order, customer_id, customer_name, customer_id, total_gross, order_status List_format \#%s   %s Ship %s PO\#%s %s (%s)   $%.02f %s Pick order_id, order_date, ship_date, purchase_order, customer_name, customer_id, total_gross, order_status Pick_format \#%s   %s Ship %s PO\#%s %s (%s)   $%.02f %s Name_field customer_name Detail order_items.order_id Compute $order_items_gross = TOTAL(%D_amount); $total_gross = TOTAL($order_items_gross,$misc_charges,$shipping); View_prog /cgi-bin/view.cgi Edit_prog /cgi-bin/form.cgi List_prog /cgi-bin/list.cgi Count_prog /cgi-bin/list.cgi New_prog /cgi-bin/form.cgi?template=order_form.htm INDEX customer_id INDEX order_date INDEX ship_date FIELD purchase_order Type varchar(16) Desc Customer's purchase order number. Required FIELD customer_id Type integer Search customers,customer_info Search_assign $customer_name = customers.customer_name $D_customer_address1 = customers.address1 $D_customer_address2 = customers.address2 $D_customer_city = customers.city $D_customer_state = customers.state $D_customer_zip = customers.zip $D_customer_postal_code = customers.postal_code $D_customer_province = customers.province $D_customer_country = customers.country $D_customer_email = customers.email_ship_acknowledge $ship_customer_id = customers.customer_id $ship_name = customers.customer_name $ship_address1 = customers.ship_address1 $ship_address2 = customers.ship_address2 $ship_city = customers.ship_city $ship_state = customers.ship_state $ship_zip = customers.ship_zip $ship_postal_code = customers.ship_postal_code $ship_province = customers.ship_province $ship_country = customers.ship_country $ship_email = customers.email_ship_acknowledge $terms = customers.terms $salesrep = customers.salesrep $ship_via = customers.ship_via $shipping_instructions = customer_info.shipping_instructions Search_next %ship_date FIELD customer_name Type varchar(50) Desc Customer's name. Display D_customer_address1 Type varchar(50) Desc Billing customer's address. Label Address Display D_customer_address2 Type varchar(50) Desc Billing customer's address. Display D_customer_city Type varchar(24) Desc Name of the city the order is to be billed to. Label City Display D_customer_state Type char(2) Desc Name of the state the order is to be billed to. Label State Display D_customer_zip Type varchar(10) Desc USPS zip code for customer's billed address. Label Zip Display D_customer_province Type varchar(24) Desc Name of province or state for international addresses. Label Province Display D_customer_postal_code Type varchar(12) Desc International postal code. Label Postal Code Display D_customer_country Type varchar(50) Desc Name of the country the order is to be billed to. Label Country Display D_customer_email Type varchar(50) Desc Customers email address. Hidden FIELD ship_customer_id Type integer Required Search customers Search_assign $ship_name = customers.customer_name $ship_address1 = customers.ship_address1 $ship_address2 = customers.ship_address2 $ship_city = customers.ship_city $ship_state = customers.ship_state $ship_zip = customers.ship_zip $ship_province = customers.ship_province $ship_postal_code = customers.ship_postal_code $ship_country = customers.ship_country $ship_email = customers.email_ship_acknowledge Same $ship_customer_id = $customer_id $ship_name = $customer_name $ship_address1 = $D_customer_address1 $ship_address2 = $D_customer_address2 $ship_city = $D_customer_city $ship_state = $D_customer_state $ship_zip = $D_customer_zip $ship_postal_code = $D_customer_postal_code $ship_province = $D_customer_province $ship_country = $D_customer_country $ship_email = $D_customer_email FIELD ship_name Type varchar(50) Desc Name the order is to be shipped to. FIELD ship_address1 Type varchar(50) Desc Street address the order is to be shipped to. FIELD ship_address2 Type varchar(50) Desc Street address the order is to be shipped to. FIELD ship_city Type varchar(24) Desc Name of the city the order is to be shipped to. FIELD ship_zip Type varchar(10) Desc USPS zip code for customer's shipping address. onChange $ship_state = lookup_state($ship_zip); FIELD ship_state Type char(2) Desc Name of the state the order is to be shipped to. Choose states FIELD ship_province Type varchar(24) Desc Name of province or state for international addresses. FIELD ship_postal_code Type varchar(12) Desc International postal code. FIELD ship_country Type varchar(50) Desc Name of the country the order is to be shipped to. Choose countries FIELD ship_email Type varchar(70) Desc Email address where shipping acknowledgement is sent. FIELD order_date Type date Desc Date order placed. Default today FIELD ship_date Type date Desc Date order is to ship. FIELD cancel_by_date Type date Desc Date order has to be cancelled by. FIELD salesrep Type varchar(14) Desc Order's sales rep. Choose salesreps FIELD salesrep_commission_id Type integer Desc Salesrep's applicable commission ID number. Choose commissions FIELD salesrep_commission Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Amount of sales rep's commission. Private For future use. FIELD terms Type varchar(20) Desc Terms of order. Choose terms FIELD ad_source Type varchar(8) Desc Ad source which attracted order. Choose ad_sources FIELD ad_source_commission_id Type integer Desc Salesrep's applicable commission ID number. Choose commissions Private For future use. FIELD ad_source_commission Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Amount of sales rep's commission. Private For future use. FIELD order_items_gross Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Total of order items' gross sale amount. Default 0.00 Hidden FIELD order_items_cost Type float Desc Total of order items' cost. Private For future use. FIELD order_items_commission Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Total of order items' commission amount. Private For future use. FIELD misc_charges Type decimal(6,2) Class money Desc Order's miscellaneous charges. Default 0.00 FIELD misc_charges_description Type varchar(24) Desc Description of order's miscellaneous charges. FIELD misc_costs Type float Desc Cost of the miscellaneous items on the order. Default 0.00 Private FIELD misc_costs_description Type varchar(24) Desc Description of order's miscellaneous costs. Private FIELD cancellation_gross Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Total amount charged for canceling order. Default 0.00 FIELD cancellation_cost Type float Desc Total cost of order for being canceled. Private For future use.
  FIELD promotion_id Type integer Desc ID number of promotion given for order. Choose promotions Private For future use. FIELD promotion_description Type varchar(70) Desc Description of order's promotion. Private For future use. FIELD promotion_cost Type float Desc Cost of promotion to the company. Private For future use. FIELD promotion Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Amount charged/discounted from order for promotion. Private For future use. FIELD surcharge_id Type integer Desc ID number of surcharge given for order. Choose surcharges Private For future use. FIELD surcharge_description Type varchar(70) Desc Description of order's surcharge. Private For future use. FIELD surcharge_cost Type float Desc Cost of surcharge to the company. Private For future use. FIELD surcharge Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Amount of order's surcharge. Private For future use. FIELD discount_id Type integer Desc ID number of discount given for order. Choose discounts Private For future use. FIELD discount Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Amount of order's discount. Private For future use. FIELD ship_via Type varchar(15) Desc Shipping method code. Choose ship_via_codes FIELD shipping_instructions Type varchar(127) Desc Shipping instructions for shipping department. Default 0.00 FIELD ship_tracking_no Type varchar(20) Desc Carrier's tracking number for shipment. FIELD shipping Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Shipping amount.
  FIELD total_gross Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Total amount of order charged to customer. FIELD total_cost Type float Desc Total cost of order. Private For future use.
  FIELD payment_type Type varchar(8) Desc Type of payment code. Choose payment_types FIELD payment_number Type varchar(20) Desc Customer's credit card number (or check number, ...) used to pay for the order. FIELD payment_expire Type varchar(8) Desc Credit card expiration date. FIELD profit Type decimal(8,2) Class money Desc Computed amount of profit generated by order. Private For future use. FIELD profit_percent Type float Desc Computed profit's percent of sale total. Private For future use.
  FIELD comments Type varchar(255) Desc Comments / Instructions for order. FIELD order_status Type varchar(20) Desc Order status code. Choose order_status_codes FIELD cancellation_code Type varchar(15) Desc Code identifying type of cancellation. Choose cancellation_codes
  FIELD received_by Type varchar(14) Desc User's code name (or a program's name) who received order. Choose users Default user FIELD acknowledged_date Type date Desc Date the order acknowledgement was sent to the customer. FIELD acknowledged_by Type varchar(14) Desc User's code name who sent order acknowledgement. Choose users FIELD picked_date Type date Desc Date the order items were picked to be shipped. FIELD picked_by Type varchar(14) Desc User's code name who picked the order. Choose users FIELD shipped_date Type date Desc Date the order was shipped. FIELD shipped_by Type varchar(14) Desc User's code name who shipped the order. Choose users FIELD invoice_date Type date Desc Date the invoice for the order was sent. FIELD invoiced_by Type varchar(14) Desc User's code name who invoiced the order. Choose users FIELD order_items_posted Type timestamp Desc Timestamp for system to determine when the order items' totals were posted to this record. Private For future use. FIELD order_template Type varchar(127) Desc File name / template name of the form template used to fill out this order. Private For future use. ############################################################################### TABLE order_items Desc Items on the orders. ID order_item_id Audit Master order_id = orders.order_id Master_assign $order_id = $M.orders.order_id Number_field order_item_no List_form inventory_item_id, item, color, sizes, sizes_qty, qty, unit, price, amount, cancellation_code List_form_format <%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s End_Of_Format Compute <